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The school staff, alongside the Local Authority, firmly believe that all pupils benefit from regular school attendance. The School is committed to encourage parents/carers to ensure that the children in their care achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent full attendance are identified and acted on promptly.

We expect that all pupils will:
Attend school regularly;  

(attend school every session available unless the absence is one that meets Rodborough’s criteria for authorising absence; i.e. illness, non-routine medical/dental appointments, religious observations and other unavoidable causes)

Attend school punctually;
Attend school appropriately prepared for the day

Please click here to view the - DfE Attendance Information


The school day starts promptly at 8.55am. 
Registration is taken at 8.55am
Registration closes at 9.10am.  

Any child arriving after 9.00am will be recorded as 'L' (Late before the close of register) - present but late for session.    Late arrivals after 9.10am will be recorded (Late after close of register) and is recorded as an unauthorised absence (U) and late for session.

There will be occasions when your child is unable to attend school because of illness or other unavoidable causes.  It is therefore vital that you, as parent, communicate with the school office to inform us of the nature and expected duration of absence.  The school office can be contacted on 01453 763159

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