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FORS - Friends of Rodborough School

Welcome to the FORS (friends of Rodborough School) section

FORS is a registered charity which has two key objectives:

To organise social events for both the school community and the wider community

To raise money to be reinvested at the school, buying items the school would otherwise be without.

Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and our loyal supporters, FORS organised some fantastic fundraising and have contributed to many new facilities for school.  FORS funds have been donated to the school environmental day and currently raising funds for additional outdoor equipment for the children to enjoy.

All parents of Rodborough pupils are automatically considered FORS members and we welcome parental participation, whether it is a little time to help with our events or just attending them.

We are always on the look out for new active members!  Members of FORS can be contact via the school office or on Facebook - search for Friends of Rodborough School.

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