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SEN provision in school

At Rodborough Community Primary school, all children are equally valued. Through our whole school vision and values, policies, practice and provision we strive to develop an environment where all children flourish and feel safe.

Within school we aim to provide teaching and learning experiences that enable all children to access a broad, balanced and appropriately differentiated curriculum. We believe that educational inclusion is for all and endeavour to create equal opportunities for all learners, irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, impairment, attainment and background.

We use an inclusive approach to teaching where every child is supported regardless of their level of need, with all pupils following the National Curriculum where teaching and learning opportunities are tailored to a level and pace appropriate to their abilities. To successfully support pupils when accessing the curriculum there are some action we may take to help achieve this which include:

  • Using a graduated approach which means some children’s needs will be met through “quality first teaching” or interventions which are available to all children, whereas some children will need more specific intervention programmes and provision which will be put in place through a my plan, my plan+ or EHCP.
  • Ensuring that teaching staff are aware of and sensitive to the needs of all pupils, providing learning opportunities which are adapted to and appropriate to their needs.
  • Identifying at the earliest opportunity, all children that need special consideration to support their needs (whether they are related to cognition and learning, social and emotional, communication and interaction or physical).
  • Working in partnership, building positive relationships with parents/carers, pupils and the relevant external agencies in order to understand and provide for pupils with special educational needs.
  • Build pupil self-esteem and confidence through using the Rodborough Learning Powers and opportunities to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Regularly review policy and practice in order to ensure pupils with SEN are challenged and supported.

SEN and Gifted and Talented

Within school it is important to recognise the talents and skills of all children, including those with SEN. Recognising and encouraging gifts, talents and interests of pupils with SEN, whilst also supporting them in overcoming any potential barriers helps to improve their resilience and increase their opportunities to experience success. Through providing pupils with the opportunity to develop their strengths it helps to develop a positive image of who they are and a vision of who they might become.

We aim to achieve this by:

  • Developing joint programmes of provision between home, school and the pupil which identify targets relating to both areas of need and stretching talents and skills.
  • Celebrating pupil’s success both in and outside of school.
  • Creating a safe and supportive environment which encourages children to develop their resilience and self-confidence.
  • Open door policy between school and home when discussing ways to best support and stretch pupils with SEN.

Our SEND Policy os on the policies page of our website.

SEND Overview 2023-2024


Ofsted report 2022-2023

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive the support they need to learn the curriculum successfully.

QAR report 2021-2022

Leaders and staff have realistic expectations of what all pupils can achieve. They ensure there is no ceiling to pupils’ learning when they demonstrate that they can exceed expectations

Knowledgeable, well-trained staff play an invaluable role in supporting all vulnerable pupils across the school, contributing positively to their progress. All pupils have access to the full curriculum and all teachers are responsible for the vulnerable pupils in their class. They monitor these pupils’ progress on a regular basis and provide interventions where needed. Quality first teaching is a priority.

A range of interventions are in place to support learning for identified groups and individuals. Pupils’ provision is carefully mapped and recorded, and the impact of interventions is regularly evaluated. The early impact of ‘hard-to-measure areas’ is demonstrated clearly in action planning and regular meetings with staff. In addition, the school employs a play-worker, counsellor and provided mental health training.

SEN Areas of Need:

Additional external agencies we have worked alongside:

Advisory teachers service and

Educational psychologist service


EHCP caseworker team

Social Services

CAMS and play therapists

Early Help and inclusion team

Team around the locality cluster

Mentoring and family Support workers

School nursing team


Attendance of SEN pupils: 91.3%

Whole school attendance: 94%

Contact Details

SENCO Miss H Redpath
Virtual Schol Leader Mrs G Messenger
SEND Governor Mr D O'Driscoll

For any SEN enquiries please either contact the school office on 01453 763159 or alternatively via email at admin@rodborough.gloucs.sch.uk marked for the attention of the SENCO

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